英國10歲滑板女神童布朗 目標躋身東京奧運

@ UPower



10歲英國女童布朗(Sky Brown)是滑板天才,玩滑板玩到出神入化。她已經是全球最年幼的職業滑板選手,下一步是希望入選英國奧運代表隊,參加2020年東京奧運,到時便會成為英國有史以來最年輕的夏季奧運選手。

年紀小小的布朗在社交網站 Instagram上載許多她踩滑板的短片,果然身手不凡,至今已有30萬名「粉絲」追隨。如果她真的入選參加明年的奧運,當滑板項目開賽時,她會是12歲15日。由於她在去年贏得Dancing with the Stars: Juniors 的比賽,瞬即成為社交媒體上的寵兒,同時為柬埔寨孤兒籌得一大筆善款,因此廣為人識。


布朗4歲便開始學習踩滑板,7歲首次參加職業比賽。2016年,她成為歷來參加美國公開賽的最年幼選手。翻查紀錄,英國歷史上最年輕的夏季奧運選手,是1928年在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹奧運中參加游泳比賽的欣頓(Margery Hinton),當時她是13歲43日。




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Super EXCITED to start this epic new adventure with @hurley ?? . Thankyou @patchy_o @bobhurley @yadin_nicol and even @rissmoore10 for making me feel so welcome ??? and bringing me into your Family. It is such an honor and feels like a dream. ✨???‍♀️ Thankyou for supporting a young surfer girl like me, and I can’t wait for all the new things ahead with #teamhurley I am so ready to get out there and REPRESENT!!!! ??????‍♀️?⚡️???? #doingitright . . . #hurley #teamhurley @hurley @nike . @lostsurfboards @lostsurfboardsjapan @fcs_surf @vertra @stickybumpswax . . . #10yearsold #skybrown #awsmkids #surfer #surfergirl #hurley #hurleyyouth #nike #lost #vertra #dwtsjuniors #fsair #gurfer #surfing #lowers #trestles

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INCREDIBLE NEWS!! The @almostskateboards i helped to design for @skateistan has already raised $16,000!!’ and it’s only been a couple of months since we released it!! That’s 16k that’s goes straight to help Children in some of the most underprivileged situations in the world ✊? ?. This project is sooo important to me, it’s a part of my heart ❤️, and I want it to make a real change, that will help kids that don’t have what I have... all I can say is THANKYOU, Thankyou so much to EVERYBODY that has supported this. It’s so incredible and it’s just the beginning. Im gonna give my everything to keep on pushing . But none of it is possible without your help??????❤️?✊????✨ If your interested in helping make an impact on underprivileged children’s lives More info is in the Link in my BIO ☝?. . . #skateistan #almostskateboards ? @cruzing @eric_clavel . . @nike @nikesb @skateistan @isfcambodia @theskateroom @dwindledistribution @pridesocks @grizzlygriptape @dwindledistribution @skateistanollie . #skybrown #10 #dwts #skatergirl #skateboarding #awsmkids #theskateroom #xgames @berrics #girlshred #transworldskate @transworldskate #berrics #nevergiveup #charity #nikesb #inspire #soulskater #frontside #dwtsjuniors #nikelosangeles #grizzly #sky #nike #girl #girlskater #skate4change #10yearold #girlpower

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2 years ago, Sky was skating through Cuba ??. Cuban People are living in REAL poverty with barely the means to survive, it's heartbreaking to see. ? I'm so proud to see Sky just reach out, and embrace the people there. And I was shocked by how much the children opened up their hearts to Sky. It was really hard for Sky to walk away from this one little girl at the end...? I hope she can find her again someday, and maybe bring her more than just a pair of shoes.. The people of Cuba are amazing, so warm and positive.. ???? and the Children are so damn Strong ????Rock on Amazing CUBA✊???. #LetyourSmileschangetheworld ?? #racialequality #peace #equality #hope #empathy #Some people are so poor, all they have is money ??@AliciaKeys #poverty is not natural, it is man made #fidel #skatelife #fidelcastro #skybrown #skateforchange #inspire #empower #8yearsold #cuba #havana #girl #skybrown #sky #awsmkids #skateboarding @almostskateboards @dwindledistribution @nike @pridesocks @grizzlygriptape @tensortrucks @vertra @stickybumpswax #skatecrunch #metrogrammed #skatergirl #surfergirl #roxy #teamalan

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