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梁洛施 (@isabella.leong) 分享的帖子 ·


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大家喜歡我的花嗎?昨天外婆帶孩子們到超級市場買蛋糕和花給我,結果……這是我兒子的想法,因他鼻子敏感。新時代的孩子思想就是不一樣! 既能欣赏,又能食用,經濟實惠,絕不浪費。這個生日,過得值?今晚我們就用西蘭花炒牛肉!最後我想說:可別把西蘭花不當“花“了? ————————————————————————Do you like my pictures? T'was a beautiful Sunday when my mum took the boys to the supermarket to pick out some flowers for me for my birthday. One of the boys has nose allergy, so guess what! They opted for veggies bouquets for me instead of the traditional flowers! How brilliant! 2 broccoli bouquets and 1 artichoke bouquet. I'm extremely impressed with their creativity and thoughtfulness. It's amazing how creative children can be. So tonight’s dinner will be beef and broccoli stir fry. I love my beautiful birthday bouquets. I'm indeed triply blessed. I'm not crying.....I'm cutting onions.? #broccoli #artichoke

梁洛施 (@isabella.leong) 分享的帖子 ·

可見,Isabella將到兒子們所送西蘭「花」外,還有三張生日卡,其中一張還寫着「Beautiful Mom」;而生日蛋糕上則有「WONDERFUL MOMMY」。網民都紛紛留言祝Isabella生日快樂,並大讚三個小朋友好有有創意!


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