43歲媽咪美娜祖華維茲宣佈懷第三胎 幾個月前曾流產心情複雜

UP_PT @ UPower


《生化危機》系列女主角美娜祖華維茲(Milla Jovovich)與54歲導演老公保羅安德遜(Paul W.S Anderson)一直恩愛,二人育有兩名女兒,她8月8日在社交網站宣布懷第三胎B女的好消息。



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Knocked up again.? After I found out I was pregnant 13 weeks ago, I had a mixture of feelings ranging between complete joy and utter terror. Because of my age and losing the last pregnancy I didn’t want to get attached to this potential baby too quickly. That was obviously not fun and the last few months have been my family and I living on pins and needles waiting for a slew of different test results to come in and spending most of our time in doctors offices. Thank goodness we’re in the clear AND we found out that we’ve been blessed with another girl!??? Anyway, wish me and my baby luck! I send you all a lot of love and I’ll keep you posted on my progression! Xoxo m❤️

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