23歲美國女泳將富蘭克琳寫信宣布退役 揚言游泳永遠是生命中重要部份

@ UPower

Once an olympian, always an olympian.



富蘭克林是加拿大出生,擁有雙重國籍,後選擇代表美國出賽。 Getty圖片


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This was perhaps the hardest letter I’ve ever had to write. There are so many words to say and I thank you all for letting me share them with you, and for your continued support. Today, I announce my retirement from competitive swimming. A link to my letter to you all is in my bio. “This is by no means the end. Rather, I choose to look at this as a new beginning. Swimming has been, and always will be, a big part of my life and I absolutely plan to stay involved in what I believe is the best sport in the world, just in a different way. I hope to continue to inspire others to be their best, both in and out of the pool, and I’m truly excited about this next chapter and how my relationship with the sport will continue to change and grow.” Thank you❤️

Missy Franklin(@missyfranklin88)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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