高比離世名人明星紛紛悼念 前隊友悼詞睇完眼濕濕

GGWP @ UPower


前湖人球星高比拜仁和女兒Gianna 在直升機事故中遇難,籃球界、球迷甚至全球各領域的名人都紛紛發文悼念這位偉大的NBA球員。 而當中兩位陪伴高比走過最輝煌職業生涯的前隊友,更是長文悼詞懷念這位巨星,字字肺腑,令不少球迷和網民讀罷都潸然淚下。拉瑪奧當和奧尼爾都曾在湖人與科比做隊友,並一齊奪得總冠軍。奧尼爾和高比堪稱湖人輝煌時期的最佳拍檔,而奧當當年更一度走到死亡邊緣,是高比曾第一時間趕去醫院幫他度過難關。

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These picture are just the tip of the iceberg of our relationship. He taught me so many things in life that were necessary on and off the court. On the court he taught me how to carve out defenses and how to take my time. How to make winning my ultimate goal. Off the court he taught me to sign my own checks lol. Of course anyone who knows my story knows I’ve suffered a lot of loss but the only loss I can compare this to is when I lost my son. Even though our relationship wasn’t father/son, it was more like him being a teacher and me being his brother. I’m glad I got to be the ying to your yang as far as the locker room was concerned. It was my pleasure. I couldn’t even catch my breath today when I heard this news. I just knew if he was in a helicopter crash he would have been the one to survive. Somehow he would have jumped out and landed on his feet. I’m sitting here thinking about when we would be in practice scrimmaging and you would start the jump ball off with elbowing Sasha in the chest. Like dude it’s 10:30 in the morning lol. You think watching him play was crazy, you gotta think in practice if you scored like 8-9 buckets throughout the practice you had a great practice. I’ve seen him knock off 13-14 in a row in practice!!!! I’m still waiting for the media to come out and say wrong report. No way God took my brother this early. I know I been through my own stuff in life with using drugs and not being good to myself. When I went through that Coma situation if God would have came to me and said we would take me and spare Kobe I would have rather that happened. In honor of my brother I’m up at 4am tomorrow to get to the gym! Gigi gone give you buckets!!!! I love you brother ???? @kobebryant

Lamar Odom(@lamarodom)分享的貼文 於 張貼


「這些照片只是我們關係的冰山一角。 他在場上和場外教給了我很多必要的東西。 在球場上,他教我如何防守,如何慢慢來,如何去達成我的最終目標。

在場外,他教我在自己的支票上簽名。 當然,任何知道我的故事的人都知道我遭受了很多損失,但我唯一能與之相比的損失是我失去了我的兒子。 雖然我們的關係不是父子,更像是他是老師,他的兄弟。

我很高興,能在場下成為你的朋友。 這是我的榮幸。 今天聽到這個消息,我幾乎窒息了。 我只在想,如果直升機墜毀,他會是倖存者。


我總覺得,他會跳出來,站起來。 我坐在這裡想的是,我們什麼時候可以一起訓練,你可以用肘頂著我的胸部起跳。

現在是早上10點半。 你認為觀看他的比賽是瘋狂的,你覺得如果你在整個訓練中入了8、9個球,你就練習得很好。 但我見過他在練習中連入13、14個球! 我還在等媒體出來,說這個新聞是假的。

上帝不可能這麼早把我兄弟帶走。 我知道我在生活中犯錯,我吸毒,對自己不好。 當我陷入昏迷的情況時,如果上帝來找我,說會帶我去救高比的話,我願意這樣做。 為了紀念我的兄弟,我明天淩晨4點起床去健身房!Gianna會去拿球給你的。我愛你,兄弟! 」



「高比不只是一個運動員,他還是一個以家庭為重的男人,那也是我們最想實現的目標。 我們愛我們的家人。 每當我們聚在一起時,我都會擁抱他的孩子,就像他們是我自己的孩子一樣,他也會擁抱我的孩子,就像他們是他的孩子一樣。 他的女兒Gianna與我最小的女兒Me'Arah在同一天出生。 我已經想念你了,兄弟。 這真是令人難以置信。 大家為高比的祈禱。」



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