42歲「三寶媽」做全職工 全馬跑到2:29超驚人

GGWP @ UPower


當 12 歲的迪倫被老師要求提交一篇關於名人的作文時,他驕傲的寫下了他媽媽的名字:「我的媽媽是一名著名馬拉松運動員!」


42 歲的美國馬拉松選手 Roberta Groner 有三個小孩,她還有一份全職的辦公室工作。她在 2019 年的鹿特丹馬拉松上取得個人最好成績 2:29:06 ,這也讓她獲得了參加 2020 年美國奧運會選拔賽的資格。不過在 2 月份的美國亞特蘭大奧運選拔賽上,Groner 的奧運夢,想成為年齡最大的奧運會馬拉松選手的夢想—破碎了,她哭著撲在她的媽媽懷中退賽,此時她剛跑了 24 公里。

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“Nana korobi, ya oki” - Fall down seven times, stand up eight...choosing to never give up hope and to always strive for more. It means that your focus isn’t on the reality in front of you, but on a greater vision that may not be reality yet...Reflecting for a few days and knowing I still will have more to process but right now my focus is in that greater vision that is not reality yet. This was my first DNF and I made the toughest decision to drop out but with hopes to rise again and keeping doing what I love to do. These photos all though raw and personal show just how much I love this sport and how badly it can hurt when you don’t have the outcome you plan. It’s how I will respond to this unexpected outcome that matters. All I know is I’m waking up with a smile and the passion to get out the door and feel the fresh air on a run. It was such a wonderful experience at the trials and that I will have forever. With the highs come the lows and that’s what build strength and character. #fallseventimesstandupeight #nevergiveup #striveformore #greatervision #atlanta2020 #tracksmithrunning #nyac #backatit Photo credit: @krwphoto

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比賽結束後的第二天,她發文:「我將從中汲取教訓,並變得更加堅強, 謝謝所有支持者! 我很好,微笑!」

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Life is a journey, it’s not where you end up but it’a how you got there. This 4 year journey to the Olympic Trials has shaped my life more than I will ever know or realize at this time. As I’ve been reflecting over the past few weeks on this journey I have a few thoughts I’d love to share. 1. Don’t put limitations on your goals...aim for the moon! 4 years ago my goal was to qualify with the B standard of 2:45 and thought it would be an amazing feat to toe the line at 42 at the trials. 2 years later I ran a 2:30:38 at @runcim262 to qualify with the A Standard and place 2nd at the USATF Championships. 2 years later in 2019, I run a PR of 2:29:06 and go on to place 6th at Worlds. Now I step to the line with Top 3 as a goal!2.Take risks and follow your ❤️. Over the past 12 months I did just that. This will be my 4th marathon in a 12 month cycle. Some may think that’s crazy but oh how I’ve learned so much over this 12 months. Doing 2 marathons in 5 weeks and one in brutal conditions have brought confidence that I know I’m capable of anything. 3. Through my passion and love of this sport I bring the best version of me to my children, family, friends and community. My children are my number one supporters and they will be the first ones I see in the finish line tent! I can’t wait to receive their hugs! To all those who are stepping to the line on Saturday I would love to share with you a few lines of a special note I received from a very special person in my life. “ You planted the seeds of work ethics, determination, commitment, resilience, focus , happiness, and love... You watered them all and during all that time, they have grown. Look at you , look at where you are now! Don’t be afraid, in its you. Enjoy every stride, love the process, stay focused, love the moment. It’s in you! “ #atlanta2020 #nyac #hareac #tracksmithrunning #rrca #aimforthemoon #goalsaremeanttobebroken #nolimits #takerisks #followyourheart #rolemodeltomykids #motherrunner #bestversionofme #planttheseed #watertheseed #grow #lookatyounow #dontbeafraid #lovethejourney #leaveitallontheroads

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Groner 在讀中學和大學的時候曾經是學校田徑隊選手,不過大學畢業後就再也沒有跑過步了,她的生活走向了另一條道路:工作,結婚,生三個小孩,離婚。

她在 30 歲的時候,才在朋友的鼓勵下重新開始跑步, 2011 年她參加了芝加哥馬拉松, 3:12:42 的首馬成績體現了她的天賦,芝加哥馬拉松之後,她繼續開始跑步, 她以 2:57:58 的成績完成了 2013 年波士頓馬拉松,以 2:45:30 的成績完成了 2015 年紐約馬拉松,到 2017 年,她的最好成績是 2:50:48 ,在這個過程中,她發現了自己的潛能和動力。





Groner 的工作是全職註冊護士辦公室主管。她離婚後,和前夫分擔時間各自照顧三個兒子,這讓她的跑步時間非常的碎片化。她早上 5 點前就要起床跑步,然後才能回來給孩子做飯送孩子上學,接著她還會利用午休的時間跑步。在這樣的情況下,她每週的跑量是 150-160 公里。

 2015 年紐約馬拉松後,世界頂級長跑教練 Steve Magness 成為了她的教練。她會在週三晚上跑 17-20 公里的變速跑,因為週三孩子在爸爸那里,她不需要照顧孩子。週六 25 公里加速跑,週日 35 公里輕鬆跑,在忙不過來的時候,她也會去健身房跑跑步機。


Groner 說:「我的目標是成為最好的馬拉松選手,而不是同齡人中最好的」。

Groner 的教練 Steve Magness 說:「她有很多經驗,她有三個孩子和一份工作,她了解自己的身體,她的抗壓水平比我要更好。」

由於疫情的原因,Groner 目前在家工作。就在 5 月 3 號,為了支持募捐活動,她和朋友一起跑了匹茲堡網上馬拉松,用時 2:51:43 。她特別規劃了自己的跑步路線,經過了五家當地醫院,以表示對醫護工作者的敬意。

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