F1 咸美頓為弗洛伊德事件表態 反對種族歧視

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繼早前炮轟F1 賽車手對於美國黑人弗洛伊德被殺事件沉默之後,咸美頓今次又再發言,要求外界正視種族歧視問題,不要再讓錯誤的觀念及行動存在。



咸美頓早前炮轟F1 賽車界別的明星車手未有為不公義事件發聲,來到周二,他又公開表態,希望種族歧視問題不再存在:「我們見到兄弟姊妹在全世界受苦,無日無之的狀況令人感到噁心,必須停止。黑色皮膚的人可能每一天都見到相似情況,好似我們天生有罪,又或者因為膚色而要擔心生活。但好似唯有示威、或者為正義呼喊,外界才留意到這些情況,事實我們的行動太少了。」

當時用膝蓋壓住黑人男疑犯頸部的白人警察蕭芬(Derek Chauvin),幾經外界示威之後才被捕及被控以謀殺罪,咸美頓說要外界有很多行動才拉人實在令人傷心,他又呼籲外界不要對不公義事件沉默。

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This past week has been so dark. I have failed to keep hold of my emotions. I have felt so much anger, sadness and disbelief in what my eyes have seen. I am completely overcome with rage at the sight of such blatant disregard for the lives of our people. The injustice that we are seeing our brothers and sisters face all over the world time and time again is disgusting, and MUST stop. So many people seem surprised, but to us unfortunately, it is not surprising. Those of us who are black, brown or in between, see it everyday and should not have to feel as though we were born guilty, don’t belong, or fear for our lives based on the colour of our skin. Will Smith said it best, racism is not getting worse, it’s being filmed. Only now that the world is so well equipped with cameras has this issue been able to come to light in such a big way. It is only when there are riots and screams for justice that the powers that be cave in and do something, but by then it is far too late and not enough has been done. It took hundreds of thousands of peoples complaints and buildings to burn before officials reacted and decided to arrest Derek Chauvin for murder, and that is sad. Unfortunately, America is not the only place where racism lives and we continue to fail as humans when we cannot stand up for what is right. Please do not sit in silence, no matter the colour of your skin. Black Lives Matter. #blackouttuesday ✊?

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